Sunday, November 10, 2013


出租:to rent               司机:driver               搭:to take (transportation)
假日:holiday              旅馆:hotel, hostel     大约:about, or so, approximately
公里:kilometer           候车箱:car trunk      路人:passerby
交叉口:intersection    拐:to turn                 本来: originally
农田:farmland            马路:road, avenue   红绿灯:traffic light
向/往:towards            转:to turn                 小吃店:snack bar
找:to find                    一共:altogether        车费:cab fare

Talking about change:
改变-(V) commonly used with personal change (改变自己)
变成-(V) to change something into something
变化-bianhua is change as a noun

搭 is similar to 放 but lighter and more informal.

忘- to forget
想不起来-cannot remember

说起来容易做起来难-easier said than done

会can be used

Friday, November 1, 2013

一切,着, 和把


改变-to change                     小气/大气-stingy/generous                     理发-haircut
紧张-nervous                        剪刀-scissors                                         大有不同-big difference
摆-to display                         台灯-desk lamp                                     茶壶-teapot
书柜-bookshelf                     包-bag                                                   挂-to hang

一切:everything (noun) and should follow with 都
每: every (qualifier) and should follow with a Measure Word

在  vs. 着 (-ing)

在is used for continuous action involving movement (Ex: someone doing something)
着 is used for continuous stationary action (Ex: something being displayed)
Position + Verb + 着 + Adj + Noun

把: Used when changing the state of something
把 + Object + Verb + Completion
Ex: 我把那瓶水放在那儿了