Friday, April 18, 2014


。。。中的。。。still in this process / 还在。。。V。。。中

发展中的国家 (Developing country) / 发达国家 (Developed country)

软件(ruanjian) also means intelligence, internal, etc.
硬件(yingjian) describes outside: If someone is ingelligent use 软件,but if they only have money, superficiality, etc use 硬件

当 and  做?

干+行业(to be in the business of)
干 referring to a trade or field of profession. often attatched with an ending:
  • 他是干电脑这(一)行的; 他干过电脑这(一)行; 你想干哪(一)行?
搞+领域/行业名称 (to be in the business of)
Similar to 干,搞 has a semi-formal style. Usually formed with a name of trade:
  • 她是搞/做房地产的; 她搞/做过房地产;她想搞/做房地产。
从事+领域/行业名称+(方面的工作)(to go in for, to be engaged in)
从事is a formal or semi-formal style, suggests the commitment/devotion of the person. The default object noun 工作 can be attached or ommitted:
  • 她现在从事法律工作;她从事过法律;她想从事法律方面的工作。
当 to work as, serve as, be     担任 to hold the post of, serve
领域 field, domain                                   行业 trade, profession
工业 industry                                           职业 occupation, profession
身份 status, identity                                 职务 post, position, job

法律 law                                                    体育 sports
医学 medicine                                         新闻 journalism
艺术 art (music, fine arts, etc)                  社会科学 social science
美容 cosmetics                                        汽车 automobile
电器 electric appliance                            网络 Internet, the Web

Friday, April 11, 2014

谈人物 印象和感觉

中等个:average height (“个子”意思是height)相貌:facial features  充满: (heart filled with)
外貌 + 长得 (used for facial features)
外表 + 长得,穿得,留得,系得 (used for general outward appearances)
个子: 小个 / 矮,中等个 / 大个子,高
打扮 + 穿着,
爱 + verb = adjective  , 有 + noun = adjective
得 sounds better if followed by 很
激情:passion, intense emotion  ---> 有激情:passionate

  • 根高(因为我是一个特别高女孩)
  • 棕色的头发和眼睛
  • 有男子气
  • 爱说话,说气话来留得特别爱开玩笑(funny)和聪明
  • 热情, 很深
看上去/看起来: appears, seems to be
总是: always

比较 literally means "comparatively or relatively" but its colloquial definition is "sort-of"
越来越多:more and more

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


长(v) to grow
1. 脸, 五官 (长着/得)
2. 留 (to keep) use with 头发 or other characteristics that are not innate,穿衣服,戴 (to wear accessories), 围 (to wrap/cover i.e. scarves, aprons, neckties, etc), 系(to tie),提 to lift (generally with a handle or in a way that hand is above item, 拿 to hold (either in hands or in arms), 挎 to carry on arm, over shoulder or around neck, 背 to carry on back, 顶 to carry on head
3. MW: 件,条,双, 套,福,顶,串,对
4. ADJ: 短,长,搞,单,双,宽

头,头发,眼睛,(单双)眼皮,眼眉(eyebrow), 鼻子,口/嘴 (嘴 is the colloquial word for mouth), 嘴唇 (lips), 脖子(neck), 肩膀, 脚 (foot)

他长得怎么样? What does he look like? How are his appearances?
他长得不怎么样。 His looks are so-so. (Negative connotation).