Saturday, February 23, 2013


A: 爱丽,明天早上你用不用车?
B: 不用。你有什么事儿吗?
A: 我得去机场接我的妹妹。 我可以接你的车吗?
B: 可以,可是你会不会开手排挡的车?
A: 应该没问题。你的车停在哪儿?
B: 停在四号停车场。我的车是红色的。
A: 知道了。谢谢!
B: 不用谢。


  • Optative verbs--such as 要,想,应该,得,能,可以,and 会-- are used before the main verb to give permission and express wishes,desires, obligations, capabilities, or possibilities.
    • 要 (want, will, to be going to, have to), 想 (to want, intend, would like to), 应该(should, ought to , to be supposed to), 得(have to, to be required to), 能 (have the ability to, can, permission-may), 可以 (permission-may, can [depending on circumstances]), 会 (know how to, have the ability to, be likely to, will).
  • 从...去/到... ( commonly used to describe the movement from one place to another. 从...到... is only used for time.
    • Sentence Pattern: Subject + 从 + Place 1 + Means + 去 + Place 2 + Verb
      • Ex: 他们从上海坐飞机去洛杉矶完.
      • Ex: 这个学期是从一月到三月。
  • Use 多/少 in front of a verb or verb phrase to indicate doing more or less of that action.
    • Ex: 我应该多学习。
接--to pick up
借--to borrow
开--to drive
停--to park
这次--this time
练习--to practice
这样--thus, in this way, like this
就--then (connects two clauses, the first being the premise of the second)
进步--to improve

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