Sunday, March 10, 2013

第八课--见面, 相纣

  A: 下课以后你有事儿吗?(After class, do you have things?)
  B:  我没有, 你呢?(I don't, you?)
  A: 我去跟我的室友一起吃饭。 你去不去?(My roommate and I are going to eat. Do you go?)
  B: 太好了!你吃什么饭?(Very good! What are you going to eat?)
  A: 你想不想吃中国菜?(Do you want Chinese food?)
  B: 想, 可是我也想吃日本菜。(I want, but I also want to eat Japanese food.)
  A: 我们今天吃中国菜, 下次吃日本菜。 好不好?(Today we are going to eat Chinese, next time we will eat Japanese food. Is that good?) 
  B: 行。下课以后再见!(Okay, see you after class!)
  A: 再见! (Goodbye!)

  • A不A----你是不是学生?
    • Reply yes: 是,Reply no: 不是
    • 2 syllable verbs in A不A form are often shortened Ex: 你认不认识他?
  • Tag questions used for confirmation are usually formed with tags such as: 对不对,是不是,是吗, and 对吗.
生词 (Vocabulary)
以后--after, afterwards, later
认识--to know, to recognize, to be acquainted with/familiar with
下次--next time
行--to be alright, to be okay
事儿--matter, thing, business
回--to return

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