Monday, March 11, 2013


A: 你想买什么?
B: 我想买一条裙子或者裤子。
A: 你应该试试这条红色的裙子。
B: 好。你觉得我穿裙子好看还是穿裤子好看?
A: 我觉得你穿裙子好看。我帮你看看。你是几号?
B: 我是中号。那条裙子多少钱?
A: 二十块。
B: 很便宜!我买了.


  • 或者 is another form of "or"; the difference between 或者and 还是is that 或这is only used in statements, and 还是 is only used in questions.
    • Ex: 我想买一件衬衫或者毛衣。/ 你想买一件衬衫还是毛衣?
  • When a verb is duplicated (看看,试试,etc) it indicates a quick action, doing a little bit of something, or just softening the verb while speaking. *Verbs that indicate status or existence cannot be duplicated. 
    • The verb could also be followed by 一下(儿) rather than the repetition to get the same effect.
买--to buy
件--M.W. for clothes (specifically tops)
条--M.W. for clothes (specifically bottoms)
比较--relatively, comparatively
让--to let, to allow
试试--to try
帮--to help
觉得--to think, to feel

Sunday, March 10, 2013


   这个学期我很忙, 有四门课:三个英国文学 和一个中文。 我每天七点半就起床,晚上十二点半才睡觉。九点二十分上课,四点差十分才下课。 然后我去我的宿舍看书。每天都有很多功课。这是我的大学生活, 你呢? 你给我写信吧。

  • 点(hour), 分(minute), 半(half hour), and 刻(quarter hour) are used to express time.
    • Ex: 9:15--九点十五分;九点一刻 / 10:30--十点半
  • To express days and months simply put the month's number in front of 月,and the day's number in front of either 日or 号; the same form is used to express the year, except using 年. 
    • In order to ask about the time, month, or day use 几 and when asking about the year use 哪.
  • The adverbs 就 and 才 are used before a verb to express that an event was or will be earlier than expected (就) and to convey a feeling of "belatedness" (才).
    • Ex: 我今天七点起床--I woke up at 7:00 today (simple statement of time), 我七点就起床--I woke up at 7:00 today (earlier than expected), 我七点才起床--I didn't wake up until 7:00 today (later than expected).
*生词 (Vocabulary)
起床--to wake up
睡觉--to go to bed, to sleep
写--to write
祝--to wish
喜欢--to like
然后--then, afterwards, after that
打球--to play basketball/badminton/tennis/table tennis

第九课--- 打电话

A: 喂!我是爱丽。请问,友朋在吗?
B: 我就是。 
A: 你好!你在忙吗?
B: 没有。我在看电视呢。你在做什么?
A: 我在上网呢。你想不想跟我一起做功课?
B: 想。什么时候?
A: 今天晚上八点,好不好?
B: 好,八点见!
A: 再见!

  • To express being in the process of doing something, use the progressive form (similar to -ing in English). 
    • Sentence Pattern: Subject + 在 + Verb Phrase + 呢.
      • You can also replace 在 with 正 and 正在.
        • Ex: 我在看电视呢/我正看电视呢/我正在看电视呢
    • Negative Sentence Patterns: 没有,没,不 + 在+ Verb Phrase + 呢.
      • Ex: 我没有在看电视呢/我没在看电视呢/我不在看电视呢
    • Question Patterns: Subject 在做什么呢?(What is Subject doing?) and Subject 在 VP (Is Subject V-ing?)
      • Ex: 你在做什么呢?(What are you doing?)/你在看电视吗?(Are you watching TV?)
等一下儿--to wait for a moment, to hang on
知道--to know, to be aware of, to realize
做--to do 
上网--to be online
我就是--(on the phone) this is he/she speaking
给--for, to; to give
留言 / 留话--to leave a message

第八课--见面, 相纣

  A: 下课以后你有事儿吗?(After class, do you have things?)
  B:  我没有, 你呢?(I don't, you?)
  A: 我去跟我的室友一起吃饭。 你去不去?(My roommate and I are going to eat. Do you go?)
  B: 太好了!你吃什么饭?(Very good! What are you going to eat?)
  A: 你想不想吃中国菜?(Do you want Chinese food?)
  B: 想, 可是我也想吃日本菜。(I want, but I also want to eat Japanese food.)
  A: 我们今天吃中国菜, 下次吃日本菜。 好不好?(Today we are going to eat Chinese, next time we will eat Japanese food. Is that good?) 
  B: 行。下课以后再见!(Okay, see you after class!)
  A: 再见! (Goodbye!)

  • A不A----你是不是学生?
    • Reply yes: 是,Reply no: 不是
    • 2 syllable verbs in A不A form are often shortened Ex: 你认不认识他?
  • Tag questions used for confirmation are usually formed with tags such as: 对不对,是不是,是吗, and 对吗.
生词 (Vocabulary)
以后--after, afterwards, later
认识--to know, to recognize, to be acquainted with/familiar with
下次--next time
行--to be alright, to be okay
事儿--matter, thing, business
回--to return