Monday, March 11, 2013


A: 你想买什么?
B: 我想买一条裙子或者裤子。
A: 你应该试试这条红色的裙子。
B: 好。你觉得我穿裙子好看还是穿裤子好看?
A: 我觉得你穿裙子好看。我帮你看看。你是几号?
B: 我是中号。那条裙子多少钱?
A: 二十块。
B: 很便宜!我买了.


  • 或者 is another form of "or"; the difference between 或者and 还是is that 或这is only used in statements, and 还是 is only used in questions.
    • Ex: 我想买一件衬衫或者毛衣。/ 你想买一件衬衫还是毛衣?
  • When a verb is duplicated (看看,试试,etc) it indicates a quick action, doing a little bit of something, or just softening the verb while speaking. *Verbs that indicate status or existence cannot be duplicated. 
    • The verb could also be followed by 一下(儿) rather than the repetition to get the same effect.
买--to buy
件--M.W. for clothes (specifically tops)
条--M.W. for clothes (specifically bottoms)
比较--relatively, comparatively
让--to let, to allow
试试--to try
帮--to help
觉得--to think, to feel

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